Montgomery, Carl T. Smith, Michael B. (2010) emphasize
that Hydraulic fracturing was introduced in 1949 by stanolind oil. In universal,
just about 2.5 million fracture treatments have been accomplished. According to
some opinion, nearly 60% of all drilled wells are fractured. Fracture stimulation enhances the efficiency
and it also helpful in the addition of reserves
In 1860, nitroglycerin in the form of liquid and
later on solidified was to set up shallow and hard rock wells in some states of
America (Kentucky, New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia). Nitoglycerine was
used illegally to some extent, but was thoroughly successful for oil well ”shooting”.
The main purpose of shooting a well to
fragmentize the formation of oil bearing in order to raise the flow and
recovery of oil.
In the beginning of 1930s,
the test was being done by interjecting an acid (non explosive fluid) into the
ground to set up a well. In order to create fracture a phenomenon called
“pressure parting” was introduced in well-acidizing procedure that would not
close thoroughly due to acid etching which will lead to a flow channel to well
and strengthen productivity. Later on this phenomenon was practically applied
in the field with acidizing wells, water injection and squeeze-cementing
This essay
highlights that Shale gas could be most valuable sources of energy in coming
few years. Shale gas like other energy sources has its benefits and drawbacks.
By defining shale gas, during hydraulic fracturing shale gas are torn up and
extracted from underground and basically it’s a natural gas normally found in
the shale rock.
fracturing is a proven technological advancement which allows producers to
safely recover natural gas and
oil from deep shale formations. This technology has the potential to not only
dramatically reduce our reliance on foreign fuel imports, but also to
significantly reduce our national carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and
accelerate our transition to a carbon-light environment. Simply put, deep shale
gas and oil formation development is critical to America's energy needs and
economic renewal.
If the word “shale” has not already given the game
away, it’s the formation that Australian company Tamboran says holds up to 4.4
trillion cubic feet of natural gas – equivalent to 12 years of Irish daily
consumption and enough to support 3,000 jobs for four or five decades. The rock
pokes through the surface at Bundoran from where it stretches back inland.
Fracking has had a near revolutionary impact in the
United States. Gas prices have fallen from about $14 a unit in 2008 to close to
$2. Its impact there prompted US President Barack Obama to voice his support
for the shale gas industry in last month’s state of the union address.
While reading
about shale gas benefits by energy experts, the most meaningful point is that
it emits low carbon emissions in comparison to coal as coal gives off double
the emission of carbon.
Shale gas is
also a rapidly available source of energy. Let’s say for instance if according
to the latest survey, if these are right then North America has nearly 1,000
trillion cubic feet of recoverable shale gas and it fulfills the needs of
natural gas of US for nearly 50 years. According to recent studies, it’s been
highlighted that shale gas could provide half of America’s supply of gas by
comparison in prices, it found that because of high amount of shale gas
production would decrease the prices of natural gas. The production of shale
gas will also help us in not on relying on other foreign expensive fuels and it
can improve our energy security. For those countries which relying mostly on coal,
which is not effective source,
to the reports, because of the much more use of domestic production of shale
oil and ethane the import of oil in US would fall below 1990s level on large
basis. So in this sense, US would be more interested in export of natural gas
according to Dudley about oil imports “are likely to be half of today’s level
the demand of global energy would increase in coming 20 years, which will be
much more needed by china and India as according to the population growth and
economical point of view. By 2030, economical point of view, from the
sub-continent China and India would be third largest economies and energy
consumers, both countries will reckoning about 35 % of overall population,
Gross Domestic Products and energy demand.
the coming two decades, the demand of energy would be likely to increase by
39%, or 1.6 annually, nearly in non –OECD (Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development). In OECD
countries the possibility of consumption is just 4% in total in coming period.
From environment point of view,
there are some disadvantages of shale gas which in not acceptable. In spite of
its being more valuable energy source with significant carbon emissions as
compared to coal, shale gas has some drawbacks. Because of the leakage of
methane gas from shale gas wells which is also environmental hazard. It can
neutralize carbon dioxide reductions as well.
Fracking has its main effect on traffic
before process of fracking starts bringing all the materials for each site and
it will take about 30-40 days, 24 hours, 7 days a week. It also has some
effects on water because 2.5 million of gallons of water is needed during
mixture with 47,000 litres of chemicals which is a big risk of spoilage and
leakage of water. It creates air pollution as well as because of escape of
methane gas and vaporization of chemicals. and it is against the environmental
hazards as it destructs the land, the soil, meadows and eventually it causes
earthquakes in small ratio but not acceptable. From economical point of view,
tourist won’t come to visit and there will be a loss in the food products. And
in the end value of land, costs of land will gradually fall because of no
cultivation and because of soil erosion.
The shale gas industry could make an impact on energy industry in terms of
development as it could slow down the development, particularly if shale gas
becomes much more cheap. As compared to shale gas and coal, renewable energy is
not that competent. For renewable energy it would be a worst factor.
Regarding fracking, there are some more danger around the world. During
fracking, there are chances of mixing toxic chemicals and methane with local
water which can poison drinking water and it is harmful for human beings and
animals, and also can poison agricultural land. At the beginning of this year
in Lancashire, there was an earthquake likely caused by fracking as according
to recent report from industry. In USA,
the places where fracking has been done, leakage of methane gas was that much
that the people in their houses while using tap water can effortlessly put
their tap water on fire.